BRAS/ MY BOOBS. Okay, so anyone who knows me knows I have larger breasts than most people, so I consider myself a bra expert by default. Bras to me are one of the most wonderful inventions of all time. They're beautiful, they support you, they are comfortable, and they can make me feel lovely and desirable on my worst days. Also, I am a bit of a bra drill sergeant. Ladies, if you are larger than a double A and are wearing an article of clothing that is not supportive, do the world a favor and PUT THE EFFING BRA ON. There is nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than a woman who is not wearing a bra. I know this makes me sound silly, but I really don't think that it is a bad thing to look your best, and bras are not difficult to wear. Some women act like they're being asked to wear an iron chastity belt. Put the lighter down, ladies. love the bra and it will love you. /rant.
Now, I have had a love hate relationship with my breasts since I had to get a C-cup bra at age 8. But now I don't really know who I would be without them. They're part of my identity, they've given me an external aesthetic obviously, but they also have given me the ability to laugh at myself, the experience of crippling self consciousness, and the figure similar to Ms. Monroe, which doesn't hurt me a bit. They're like my companions - they are always there, and they go through all that I do. They're part of what make me . . . me. and I never want them to be anything but the way they are. Though it would be nice to spend less than $70 on a bra, and not have to plan a major heist to find one in my size. Just sayin'
BLOGGING. I know I don't update a lot, and I'm not about to quit my day job and live off my blog profits from my millions of followers, but look at the amazing things you can find in blogs. Some of them are boring and incoherent, but parts of life are boring and incoherent. Look at the voice the common man has now, look at the opportunity we all have to create and share. I can't get over how amazing that is.
May I say that I adore the opposite sex? I love males - of all shapes, sizes, and age. Of course I'm attracted to some of them, but it's more than that. I love the way boys do things. I love the way they think, the way they can solve a problem with a short tussle or a smart ass comment. I love to talk to boys. I love the earnestness in young boys' faces when they are talking to their mothers. I feel like I can learn so much from my male counterparts, and I find them fascinating, captivating, and admirable at the base of what they are. I believe in boys, and I believe that males and females have a lot to learn from each other if they will ever stop it with the expectations, accusations, and wrongs against each other. I hope one day we can coexist without one stifling the other, and we can really value what makes us different.
Wow, b makes me philosophical. here's a weird glam rock song that begins with b. Enjoy.
I love this.